Yes, you are going to say, it's not about the size, and the ability to use it, and not all girls want a man with a giant penis. However, in a candid conversation, many people will say that the penis of your boy friend, should be at least 15-16 inches, otherwise they simply won't be able to feel like the man in the bed. Because, in the eyes of my little 12 inches, and some of the girls there is a flat area, and someone else began to frankly laugh. And even if you try to convince me, and I could see in her eyes, only pity.
Also, according to the course of therapy, I still could not fully overcome the complex and a sense of full, sexy man. The rest of you to go under the surgeon's knife, but to do that, I'm afraid. After all, there may be scar tissue, but if a doctor makes a mistake, you may have trouble with erections.
Since learning of the existence of the gel Erogen Xthat you can enlarge your penis without surgery, I was very happy and decided to find out more and more. A search of the official web-site, I've learned, in order to promote the growth of the protein-bodies of the penis with the gel, you can achieve very good results and can increase the penis size by 4-5 inches. I ordered more of the tubes, in the hope that it will be able to raise at least a couple of inches.
Gel for to increase penis size, you will have to squeeze into hands and RUB across the length of the penis. There are two times a day. It can be noticed, the improved circulation, the sensation of slight warmth and tingling sensation.
The result is noticeable immediately, but after a few weeks of daily application of the gel to my penis to become thicker and a few millimeters long. A month later, a change in the size, which was noticed not only by me but also my wife, and to bed, I started to feel a bit more confident, in addition to the installation has become a lot better and longer. At the end of the course, I measured my penis and was amazed – it was as much as 16 inches in length and an inch thicker in diameter.
Right now I'm feeling a lot more confident as a man, and my wife, after sex, looking at me quite differently than before! All those who are concerned about the size of your penis, don't give up the gel Erogen X it is possible to make your penis the way you always wanted to be!
With the girls, I still have the problem, as soon as he reached the bed, I start to get lost, and blushed, afraid to see the reaction of my penis, it is much lower than the national average. If you want to fix this, I can make use of the gel Erogen X.
The Gel contains a complex of ingredients which boosts its growth and the elasticity, there is, of course, will not make it 2 times bigger, but it is an increase of a few centimeters, it is possible to count, and in this case, even a few inches saves a lot of.
Personally, I'm happy to be in a few months my penis grew from a modest 8 inches by 13 is pretty decent, so this seriously helped me out in my sexual life, I am finally calm the girl. I have yet to use the gel, it is my hope that he grows up a little more, in thickness. If you don't make it to the surgery Erogen X – the best way, if you are satisfied with the size of their penis and want to fix it.